Lake Ecology Management

As invasive species infiltrated the lake, the BWLA community decided to take action. The BWL residents submitted a petition to Pierson Township authorizing the Township to create, collect, and financially supervise a Weed Control Fund for treatments to mitigate invasive weeds in Big Whitefish Lake and to monitor the overall health of the lake and surrounding basin. The goal is to ensure we maintain native diversity in plants and wildlife as well as safe, clean water for recreational use.

The BWLA Board of Directors appoints a committee that is responsible for hiring and managing a professional service company to evaluate the health of BWL Lake and adjacent areas. This firm presents recommendations to the Board, based on sound scientific evaluations, for the management and treatment of invasive species and other related issues that impact the quality of the lake water. The BWLA Board approves and supervises the implementation of the treatment plan. The Board submits invoices to Pierson Township for payment from the Weed Control Fund.

The BWLA Ecology Committee supports the BWLA Board in this endeavor and also works to educate the BWL community on environmental issues. As residents we all need to support lake ecology by adhering to the ban of all fertilizer use, including phosphorus-free fertilizers, 300 feet from the shoreline. The use of fertilizers within the lake basin is one of the most significant contributors to weed and algae growth in the lake.

Currently, Professional Lake Management (PLM) is the professional firm hired by the BWLA Board to manage the health of the lake. As a living body of water each year there are variations in the challenges of maintaining a strong, stable lake ecology. Eliminating invasive species and maintaining native weeds with the least amount of chemicals is our overall goal. There is additional information about PLM on the Ecology Page of this website. The link to the PLM website is below.
