Board of Directors Meeting
April 19, 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:15pm

Roll Call

Eric Cavalli, Kathy Gleason, Steve Herrema, John Holmes, Patrick Maioho, Brian O’Kane, Don Reichle, and Miles Underwood. Guest: Bob Winkel.

Secretary’s Report:

Motion to accept the minutes of the March 21, 2014 Board Meeting as distributed and posted on the Association website (Holmes/Reichle). Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Reports as presented (Holmes/Cavalli). Motion passed. Nearly all members have submitted their dues for 2014. In 2013 $68,000+ expenses were utilized from the Weed Assessment Fund.

Committee Reports

Sewer Advisory: Per Patrick’s discussion with Bob Cichewicz there are no existing bonds (the $42,700bond was paid in full in March 2013 and the bond for $61,500 was paid in full in March 2014). Bob is aware of the financial discrepancies with Little Whitefish Lake and the county however he states this does not affect BWL as we have separate funds, collecting and distribution mechanisms. The county Sewer Committee is responsible for and setting the budget during the summer months. They plan to keep the budget relatively the same in order to build up a stable fund to pay for maintenance, upgrades, etc in order to avoid another bond. They will continue to bill each resident twice a year and if not paid, it will be added to the individual property owners tax roll.

Directory: A review was made of the 2013 lake directory with Bob Winkel for changes/additions/deletions to the 2014 directory. Assignments made for missing data. Moonlight Graphics will be used for the 2014 directory. Bob & Patrick will pursue looking at an alternate printing vendor for 2015 in order to reduce costs.

Web Page: Website advertisers (links) will be invoiced each January (as per an earlier board motion theannual fee will be $150 for non-members and $50 for members). New advertisers will be charged the annual fee regardless of the month initiated without pro-rating. This process will begin when the new website is active.

New Business

  • 2014 Budget: Motion to approve the 2014 Budget as proposed and discussed (Cavalli/Herrema). Motion passed.
  • Brian O’Kane will approach Pierson Township to facilitate a discussion with TruGreen in regard to the fertilizer ordinance.

Meeting adjourned 7:43pm.