Board of Directors Meeting
March 21, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:20pm

Roll Call

Kathy Gleason, John Holmes, Patrick Maioho, Brian O’Kane, Jerry Poisson, and Miles Underwood. Guest: Mary Underwood.

Secretary’s Report:

Motion to accept the minutes of the February 7, 2014 Board Meeting as distributed and posted on the Association website (Holmes/Poisson). Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Reports as presented (O’Kane/Poisson). Motion passed. PLM has been paid in advance which provided a $600 discount.

Committee Reports

WinterFest: Mary Underwood gave a review of the well attended event and thanked individuals who helped to make it a success. Diane Gilfillan was the winner of the chili cook-off. Moving forward, this event will always take place on the first weekend of February.

Meet & Greet Party: The date of June 27 has been confirmed with Loon’s Nest for this event.

Boat Parade: Will take place on July 4 at 3pm. The theme for 2014 will be “Favorite Movie”.

Fireworks: Jerry Poisson shared a change in DNR permits for fireworks. The Township must now approve prior to the DNR. Brian Longcore has signed the Township Permit and Jerry has submitted it with the DNR Permit Application. We should have the DNR approval before our next board meeting.

BWL Attire: Janie Durren is working on the flyer (to be mailed to the membership along with the PLM letter regarding treatments).

Dam & Channel Regulations: John Holmes states that the board will be placed in the channel on May 15 per regulations.

Directory: Pat Maioho will review the cost savings of using a new printer with Bob Winkel.

Historical Publication: Suggested that an email blast be sent regarding the availability of the Reflections book.

Land Use & Development: Pat Maioho will contact Dan Racy regarding the requested quote for repairing the seams on the tennis courts.

Sewer Advisory: Issues have arisen regarding the funds provided for the sewer system by Little Whitefish Lake Association. Bob Cichewicz will be asked to attend our next board meeting to review when the current bonding expires and the amount of funding required/dispensed from the Big Whitefish Lake funds.

Web Page: Judy Warner is actively working on the April launch. She has provided a list of missing information – each board member associated with the activity/event/letter needed is asked to submit the information to Judy as soon as possible.

PLM: New steps are in place to continue weed assessments without the signing of petitions however it is quite lengthy and more time consuming. It is not known at this point if we can still do petitions vs. the new steps. The “drop dead” date for renewal of the Big Whitefish Lake Weed Assessment is not known, the Township treasure will let us know. However, it must be done this year for the 2015 tax rolls. Advantages to doing petitions, in addition to less time involved, is the showing of 80% plus residential approval of the assessment. Should the need arise for more funding, the board can request up to a 5% increase each year during an assessment period without re-petitioning. Don Reichle will be asked to look at past years costs and then provide a suggested projection of costs for the weed assessment.

New Business

  • PLM Envelope Stuffing: Delayed as the letter must be mailed within a set number of days prior to the fist treatment.
  • 2014 Budget: Kathy will review past minutes to determine the appropriate amount to be transferred from the “general fund” into the “property maintenance fund” as directed by the Membership at the 2011 Fall Meeting.
  • Miles Underwood will share information to the general membership at the Spring meeting regarding an alternative to calling 911 in our area for an emergency.

Meeting adjourned 8:58pm.